2013年12月16日 星期一


Reason for recommendation:
Why are there earthquakes? What are the possible aftermath? The video Earthquakes 101 created by National Geographic is a very good introductory tool for a quick overview of earthquake, providing information such as on the causes of earthquake, ways to measure severity of earthquakes and some examples of deadly earthquakes in the recent century.

Information Literacy guidance:
Students are expected to answer a few questions about earthquakes before (based on their prior knowledge) and after viewing the video. The worksheet serves as a means for students to think about the topic beforehand. A comparison of answers will enable students to see if they have misconceptions about earthquake and be ready to explore the topic in the coming posts.

After finishing the worksheet, students need to enter a blog entry of 20 – 30 words about their feelings after watching the video.

Learning tools:

2 則留言:

  1. 作者已經移除這則留言。

  2. After watching this video, I find that I am interested in this topic and would like to know more about the cause of earthquake. I also feel that Hong Kong is a lucky place that we never experience deadly earthquake :)
