2013年12月16日 星期一

3.Earthquake Damage (2)

Purpose: Focus on facts and statistics on earthquake 
Students are required to do the research on facts and statistics on earthquake.

Here are the steps that students can do:
1. Use various searching engines like google, yahoo, AOL, etc to search for the related resources. 
2. Students can use key words like frequency of occurrence, magnitude charge, earthquake data, etc. (Use Boolean search)
3. Once students find suitable data, they have to understand and analyze the facts and statistics for case study project and final presentation. 

Recommend following resources: 

This is a link with real-time feeds & notifications that suggested web tools on providing the most latest news on earthquake datas through email, Atom Syndication and Tweet Earthquake Dispatch. Spreadsheet Applications, Programmatic Access and Google Earth KML are useful tools for reorganizing datas and information.

Source of information
USGS. Science for a changing world from http://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/feed/v1.0/

Other: Exercise
Students can fill in the following exercise to test their concept on earthquake statistics according to http://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/world/world_deaths.php

